Funny Bingo

Funny bingo sayings

Funny Bingo

Funny Bingo Jokes For Seniors

Over time, residents (and staff) can get tired of playing the same games, day after day. To ease the monotony, consider spicing up your bingo games to create more interest for you and your residents. Here's how:


Funny Bingo Jokes

Funny bingo card

Bingo is built by bingo lovers, for bingo lovers. Place your bets and play up to four cards at the same time. Instantly play the classic fun game today for free, no downloads necessary! Funny Bingo Calls If you are not familiar with the cockney rhyming slang and funny calls, don’t worry – we are here to teach you with a complete list of bingo terms. While you may be confused if someone asks you if they just called Dirty Gertie, they’re merely using dirty bingo words.

  1. Add a Double Bingo. Consider giving out two prizes to the winner at a special monthly bingo game.
  2. Organize bingo games with current holidays. Create bingo cards on your computer that relate to the season. For instance, during the summer, create B-E-A-C-H cards instead of the regular B-I-N-G-O cards.
  3. Play swap bingo. If your residents are agreeable, during the middle of a game have residents swap places in which they swap seats with another player and take on that new bingo card as their own. In contrast, in between games, ask residents to swap bingo cards.
  4. Vary the ways to win. Instead of only winning by having five chips in a row, consider playing four corners (each of the four corners must be covered), X-pattern or L-pattern (making the letter on the board), or cover-all (covering the whole board).
  5. Take residents to a bingo game outside of your facility. Search for opportunities in your community to take residents to places that host bingo games in hopes of bringing in more customers, like a local Wal-Mart or restaurant.
  6. Use play money to use at a Bingo Auction. Instead of having to buy prizes and give them out at each bingo game, create play money to pass out to residents when they win. At the end of the month, host a fun bingo auction in which residents use their play money to bid on prizes. See our article The #1 Way to Get Residents to Stop Complainting About Your Bingo Prizes.
  7. Add music. Create bingo cards that have titles of songs instead of numbers. When a song is played, have residents locate the title on their card and cover it with a bingo chip.
  8. Add trivia. Create cards that contain trivia information instead of numbers. For example, make bingo cards that just have different state names inside each box. During the game, give clues about each state and have residents cover their answers with a bingo chip.
  9. Add pictures. Download famous faces into your bingo cards that your residents will recognize. During the game, give trivia about the people and see if the residents can guess who you are talking about before covering their picture with a bingo chip.
  10. Add food and drinks. Plan a fun bingo game while serving a particular food or drink. For example, once per month, host a fun non-alcoholic beverage bingo, like Piña Colada Punch Bingo or Virgin Daiquiri Bingo.

Funny Bingo Quotes

  • Funny Jokes

    Sitting nan in the naughty corner because she started a fight at bingo

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    What has a whole bunch of little balls and screws old ladies?

    A bingo machine.

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    A wife was out for the evening playing bingo and came home sporting a new fur coat. 'Honey,' she said to her husband, 'look what I won at bingo!'
    The next week, she came home from bingo wearing a huge diamond ring. 'Hey, honey,' she said, 'look what I won at bingo!'
    The following week, when she came home from bingo, she was driving a brand new BMW. 'Look!' she exclaimed. 'Look what I won at bingo!'
    As she preparing to get ready for bingo the next week, her husband asked, 'Darling, would you like me to draw a bath for you?'
    'Oh, yes please,' she replied.
    When she went to get in the tub, she noticed that there was less than an inch of water in it. 'Honey, how am I supposed to take a bath with such a small amount of water?' she asked.
    'Well, I wouldn't want you to get your bingo card wet!' replied the husband.

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    1. You've ever cut your grass and found a car. 2. You own a home that is mobile and 5 cars that aren't. 3. You think the stock market has a fence around it. 4. Your stereo speakers used to belong to the Moonlight Drive-in-Theater. 5. You've ever lost a loved one to kudzu. 6. Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years. 7. You own a homemade fur coat. 8. Chiggers are included on your list of top 5 hygiene concerns. 9. You burn your yard rather than mow it. 10. Your wife has ever said, 'Come move this transmission so Ican take a bath.' 11. You refer to the time you won a free case of motor oil as 'the day my ship came in.' 12. You read the Auto Trader with a highlight pen. 13. The Salvation Army declines your mattress. 14. You've ever raked leaves in your kitchen. 15. Your entire family has ever sat around waiting for a call fromthe Governor to spare a loved one. 16. Your grandmother has ever been asked to leave the bingo hallbecause of her language. 17. Someone more...

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    How do you play Iraqi bingo?
    .. B-52 ... F-16 ...B-2

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